Abridged Curriculum Vitae [for full CV, see attachment above]
Department of Sociology & Anthropology, Elon University, 2035 Campus Box, Elon, NC, 27244 |
Elon University
Assistant Professor of Anthropology, Sociology & Anthropology Department
George Washington University
PhD in Anthropology
MA in Anthropology
MA in American Studies
City University of New York: The City College
MS in Education
New York University
BFA dbl. maj. in Theatre & Sociology
Elon University
2020-present Assistant Professor, Sociology & Anthropology Dept.
Georgetown University
2020 Adjunct Lecturer, Anthropology Dept.
George Washington University
2020 Professorial Lecturer, Anthropology Dept
2019 Lecturer, Columbian College of Arts and Science
2017-2018 Instructor of Record, Anthropology Dept.
2012-2013 Adjunct Assistant Professor, GWU Writing Program
cultural anthropology, linguistic anthropology, digital anthropology, media anthropology, science and technology studies, Internet collectives and fandoms, media studies, identity, space & place, embodiment, animism, videogame studies, ethnographic methods, epistemological frameworks
(under contract). The Spectrum of Virtuality, at Lexington Books, Rowman & Littlefield Press, as part of their Studies in New Media series
Edited Volume
(under contract). Editor, Practicing Digital Ethnography, at Routledge
Selected Peer-Reviewed Journal Articles
2023. "The #Tradwife Persona and the Rise of Radicalized White Domesticity,” Persona Studies, 8(2), pp. 7-26:
2020. “The Social Production of Internet Space: Affordance, Programming, and Virtuality” Communication Theory, qtz036,
Translated into Arabic: 2021. Amin, Djenih. “ا الإنتاج الاجتماعي لفضاء الإنترنت: الإمكان والبرمجة والافتراضية,” Al-Rased Al-Alamy Magazine, Oran 1 University, Algeria
2019. “Wandering in the City: Time, Memory, and Experience in Digital Game Space” M/C Journal 22(4):
2018. “Policing the Fluff: The Social Construction of Scientistic Selves in Otherkin Facebook Groups,” Engaging Science, Technology, and Society, 4 (2018), pp. 485-514:
Peer-Reviewed Proceedings
2021. “Cybernetics and Digital Whiteness: Exposure to Radicalization through Feedback Loops,” Proceedings of the IEEE Conference, Norbert Weiner in the 21st Century, Chenai, India, 2021
Book Chapter
2018. “Cybernetic Animism: Non-Human Personhood and the Internet,” in Digital Existence: Ontology, Ethics and Transcendence in Digital Culture, ed. Amanda Lagerkvist. London: Routledge, pp. 227-241.
Selected Media and Public Scholarship
2022. “What is Cultural Anthropology?” At SAPIENS September 27:
2021. “Care by Emoji” with Tariq Adely. Anthropology News, June 25:
2020. “So You Want to ‘Do’ Digital Ethnography.” At The Geek Anthropologist, March 25:
2015-present. Writing and maintaining Anthropolojamz research and theory blog:
As Professor
Introduction to Cultural Anthropology
Anthropology of the Internet
Exploring Virtual Space
The Global Experience
As Adjunct Professor/ Instructor of Record
Introduction to Cultural Anthropology
Love & Hate in the Digital Age
Youth and Technology
Anthropology Research Practicum
Contemporary Anthropological Theory: Keywords in Digital Anthropology
(co-designed and taught with Joel Kuipers)
Writing About Video Games: Fictions and Critiques of Virtual Worlds
The Road Trip in American Film and Literature
2023: Elon University Center for Writing Excellence A.I. Engagement Grant, $1,000
2022: National Science Foundation (NSF), Memorialization, Contested Knowledge, and Incomplete Mourning in the Context of COVID-19, $350,415—3 years (Research Consultant)
2022: Elon University Faculty Research & Development Hultquist Summer Fellowship, $2,000
2021: Cornell Center for Social Sciences research grant, Cornell University (Co-PI, $10,580, co-written with Chloe Ahmann [PI]), After Apocalypse: The Work of Utopia in White Power Activism
2021: Institute for Data, Democracy, and Politics research grant, George Washington University, (Research Consultant, $12,000, co-written with Richard Grinker [PI], Joel Kuipers, Mark Edberg, and Brandon Kohrt), Death in the Time of Misinformation
2021: Elon Summer Research Funding ($4,800)
2020: The National Science Foundation RAPID Response grant (Co-PI, $97,509, co-written with Sarah Wagner [PI], Joel Kuipers, Roy Richard Grinker, and Jorge Benavides-Rawson) Funerary Practices, Pandemic Confinement, and the Implications for COVID-19 Transmission
Invited Talks & Workshops
2022. “Indexing Racialized Bodies in the Animist Internet,” Nature Religions, Science and Technology Conference, University of Groningen, Netherlands (virtual)
2022. “Recognizing Racist Extremism Online,” 12th Annual INTERSECT Conference: Elon University’s Leadership & Diversity Conference, Elon, NC, November 11-12.
2021. “Digital Ethnography as a Method of Study and Practice,” George Washington University. (virtual)
2020. “Open Bodies and Virtual Space,” Elon University.
Conference Activity
2023: “Reading for the Revolution: Notes on a Fascist Library,” with Chloe Ahmann, 122nd American Anthropological Association/ Canadian Anthropology Society Annual Meeting, Toronto, Canada, November 15-19. (virtual)
2022. “Hashtagging into Extremism: Tradlives, Tradwives, and the Rise of Radicalized Domesticity,” with Ashley Kinder, 121st American Anthropological Association Annual Meeting, Seattle, WA, November 9-13. (virtual)
2021. “Vernaculars of Mourning: Memorialization in Collapsed Digital Contexts,” 120th American Anthropological Association Annual Meeting, Baltimore, MD, November 17-21. (virtual)
2021. “Cybernetics and Digital Whiteness: Exposure to Radicalization through Feedback Loops,” 2021 IEEE Conference, Norbert Weiner in the 21st Century (21CW), Anna University, Chenai, India, July 22-25. (virtual)
2020. “Digital Whiteness: The Construction of Body-Identity in Supremacist Internet Spaces,” Recognition and Repair Symposium, George Washington University, Washington, DC, April 10. (cancelled)
American Anthropological Association
American Ethnological Society
Society for Cultural Anthropology
Association of Internet Researchers
Society of Linguistic Anthropology
Popular Culture Association/ American Culture Association
Pacific Ancient and Modern Language Association
American Federation of Teachers
United Federation of Teachers
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Devin Proctor -
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